Saturday, February 26, 2011

Why seek private assistance for your child?

I just read a wonderful book by Lawrence J. Greene called "Finding Help When Your Child Is Struggling in School.", Although this book is becoming a bit dated since it was published in 1998, it is filled with helpful information and I recommend it.

I am often contacted about dyslexia testing, which I do not offer. So what is it that I do, and why would someone need to hire me?

Greene addresses this question on page 163:

There are six basic reasons for seeking private supplemental learning assistance for your child:

1. Your child doesn't qualify for in-school remedial help.
2. Your child has qualified for the resource program but is not responding positively to the assistance.
3. You believe your child's learning deficits haven't been accurately identified and/or treated.
4. You want to see greater progress.
5. You want to accelerate the speed of progress.
6. You want to make certain your child resolves her deficits, or learns how to compensate successfully for them.

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